
First Things First

Have you ever tried to remember the “Firsts†in your life?  Some examples of “firstsâ€...
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Importance of Music

I was 15 years old in 1956 when Elvis Presley’s first #1 record was on...
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“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one...
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It’s Been A While

I haven’t written one of these in a couple of years so I thought I...
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Remember Your First?

My last WOW was sent out on February 19th, 2012.  The first two paragraphs were...
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If You Break It, You Own It

Sometimes I act like a bull that carries his own china shop around with him. ...
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We’re Almost Done!

A few weeks ago I had to have an upper rear tooth removed.  It received...
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My Life in a Movie

A few weeks ago, I sent my youngest great-granddaughter (Taylor) a birthday card for her...
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The Lion King

A few weeks ago Jerilyn and I went to Chrysler Hall in Norfolk to watch...
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