Facing the Prospect of Certain Death
We have had a lot of trouble with Canadian geese coming up the creek bank...
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
We never know what life has in store and that’s as it should be. Sometimes...
The First Book Ever Written on a Typewriter
I have just begun to work on our tax paperwork for 2009. As we all...
Cheesecake in Florida
Our recent trip to Florida provided many wonderful experiences. There were 47 people on our...
What Do You Dread The Most?
Well, the heat pumps are finally installed and our home is warm and cozy again. ...
What Should a 12 Year Old Know?
“So, what should children be able to do by age 12, or the time they...
Tomorrow, I turn 69
A few days ago the bulb that powers our TV (DLP) started giving us trouble. ...
Kill off all my Demons and my Angels might die too
Well, the holidays came and went and the time spent with family & friends was...
Falling Short in the Expectations
I believe there are times when all of us fall short in the expectations we...
Setting Down To Dinner
I recently received a letter from a lady that I have not seen in a...