Buying Stocks

I went out the other day and ate breakfast with my Uncle KD and his wife. He continues to fight the dreaded cancer that has taken up residence in his body. We seldom talk about it. Instead, we shoot the breeze about sports, news and other things that make for a lively and interesting conversation. I have always been close to him and his family. As a matter of fact, my first wife is his wife’s sister. As very young boys, we talked about how, when we grew up, we would marry sisters and live in a two story house. I would live upstairs and he downstairs. The sisters part we got right, but the two story house thingy never happened. I’m sure we had other dreams as youngsters, but, that is the only one I remember very well. His wife is the sister I never had, so that makes her very special to me. Up until I met Jerilyn she was the hardest working person I knew. I know I cannot keep up with either one of them.
Jerilyn and I attended a high school graduation cookout for a family member last Saturday evening (congrats Timmy) and there were quite a few people there we did not know. The thing is, everyone was swept up in the joy of the evening and celebrating the closing of one chapter for a young man and the beginning of another. I remember as a young high school graduate wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I started off working for our local grocery store making $5 a day. Forty Eight years later I set here writing this letter and wondering where all the years went, and did I use them well? I’m certain Tim will figure out the direction he wants to take and what he has to do to get there. I think most of us go from one job to another until we find the one we want to keep. He has a good support system in a nurturing family and that will go a long way in helping him strike out on his own. I like the quote, often attributed to Mark Twain (in error), that says: When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. I’m sure Tim doesn’t feel that way about his dad!
I went shopping the other day for some things I needed to organize the shed. The temp was in the mid-90’s. I went into Costco to buy some things and stopped by their food bar and ordered their fat free yogurt. It is sorta like eating frozen custard. They put it in a 16 ounce cup and give you a spoon to eat it with. It cost $1.25 and is delicious. They offer vanilla & chocolate, but I normally get the swirl, which is a combo of the two flavors. Well, I’m standing there watching the woman swirl the yogurt into the cup, and when she finishes, she reaches over to the spoon place and, yup, you guessed it, she stuck two spoons in it. Now, I’m standing there by myself. Does she expect me to share with her or do I need the extra spoon for a backup (they are plastic)? I must have a flashing neon sign on my forehead that says “this fella cannot eat sweets by himselfâ€. I calmly took my cup of frozen yogurt and walked to a table. I really should not let little things like that upset me. I stewed the whole time I was eating that delicious stuff. As I finished and walked out into the heat my thoughts changed to the oppressive temperature and the amount of shopping I needed to accomplish. Next time I will be prepared!
A couple of weeks ago I bought some Apple stock (AAPL) for $122.05/share. It closed today at $138.10/share. I’m normally not that lucky. My reason for buying it was the iPhone. In my opinion the iPhone will revolutionize the way we use our phone, get our e-mail and browse the internet. Sure, I realize it is not for everyone, but a lot of people will go with the iPhone when their current cell phone contract expires (me too). I expect Apple stock to go much higher. I’m debating buying more and the price just keeps climbing. One thing for sure, in the stock market, you cannot procrastinate. Just so you know how my luck runs, I bought two other stocks at the same time. Express Scripts (ESRX)( cost $50.54/share and is currently selling for $53.88/share. Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMY) was bought at $31.66/share and is selling for $32.10/share. I think this quote is very true: The difference between playing the stock market and the horses is that one of the horses must win……Joey Adams
hope you’re enjoying your summer, or whatever season it is in your part of the world. Thanks for reading my weekly ponderings.
“What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.”