Green Bean… by JoAnn

For a few years now, I have been driving a 2004 Chevy Aveo. It’s a rather small, compact car. It was passed down to me by my youngest daughter Chelsea. It had been given to her by her grandfather. It’s a very bright, neon green color. Chelsea lovingly named “her” Green Bean.
For all my life, I have driven large cars. I learned to drive at the age of 15 in my daddy’s 1970, 4 door, Chevy Impala. I then went on to marry a young man who owned (if my memory serves me right) a 1976 Ford Thunderbird. I then went on to drive Ford Crown Victoria’s and Grand Marquis. I continued to drive the same size of vehicles until my Green Bean.
I must admit, it was quite a change driving a car less than half the size of what I had been used to. At first it was uncomfortable. I felt cramped and unprotected. And being neon green, I felt like I stood out …well, like a green thumb. LolÂ
But I quickly realized there were many great features to driving a compact car. First of course being the great gas mileage. I was not use to that at all, after driving gas guzzlers for decades! What a treat to fill my tank and it last me an entire week or more. It felt like magic! It also was very nice when parking. I was able to zip in and out of just about any parking space I wanted. Â
I quickly became very familiar and happy with my peppy little Green Bean. The fact it originally came from two people I love with all my heart, has made it even more special to me. It’s safe to say that I am attached to my little putt putt car. I don’t know if I could ever drive a large car again. Â
Last week I took Green Bean for several repairs, and for 4 new tires. And I must admit, I have enjoyed driving her so much more knowing she is at her best. To me, she is like brand new. I couldn’t be happier. I guess some would think that rather silly of me. Perhaps they’ve never had to be without their own car long enough to realize what a privilege it is.
I know I’m not the first person to be attached to my vehicle. Why do we become sentimental over an inanimate object like a car? I do believe my love for my car comes from the fact it was given to me by my daughter and her grandfather. And at a time in my life that I had not had a car of my own for some time. It was a gift that I truly needed and was so very much appreciated. Still is.
So, what is your Green Bean? I know you have at least one.