Lessons From Andy… by JoAnn
On my top five list of all-time favorite television shows, The Andy Griffith Show remains in the #1 spot! No matter how many times I watch any one of the 249 half-hour episodes, they never fail to give me a lingering smile and a few belly laughs. I never tire of watching the old show. It is my “go to” TV time when I need to just clear my mind, cheer myself up, or just relax.
It first aired in 1960, two years before I was born. The last episode aired in 1968. As a child, I was not allowed to watch much television. So, I wasn’t exposed to my all-time favorite show until my adult years. I am very thankful for syndication. I cannot imagine my life without having enjoyed the wonderment of such talents as Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Ron Howard, and countless others who graced the world-famous Mayberry stage.
The Andy Griffith Show has stood the test of time and continues to be one of the most watched and enjoyed shows in television history. I believe what makes the show so timeless is its humble and pure, all American roots, it’s strong family and community values that always tug at your heart strings. And it is always served with a side order of comedy and a Southern twang.
There is a lot to be learned from watching The Andy Griffith Show. The “lessons” as I like to call them, are woven throughout the episodes. Placed in true to life situations that anyone can relate to. Strong morals are sprinkled throughout almost every story line. Some episodes are just pure comedy of course, with the expected silliness and slapstick humor. But more than not, there is a good ole fashioned lesson to be learned in there.
My point being made by the fact that many Christian churches have chosen to use some Andy Griffith Show episodes to teach their youth life lessons. Ones that can help them become more well-rounded individuals. When I first heard of this being done in my own neck of the woods, I thought, “Wow, what an awesome idea!” If more children watched The Andy Griffith Show instead of playing violent video games, I believe we’d have happier kids and parents. Maybe I’m just dreaming, but the positivity offered abundantly in these episodes certainly can’t hurt.
Most of Andy’s lessons on the show are given to his young son Opie. The on-screen chemistry between these two can have you believing they are actual father and son. Every given chance, Andy is offering his boy words of wisdom and insight, that if collected and stored, will help Opie throughout his entire life. Just like a loving dad should do. But too many times in real life, that ball is dropped by a parent. I think there are lessons for the adults in these episodes as well.
Over the years I have met many people who share my sentiments. I no longer feel weird, or silly that I get so much joy from an old TV show. I’ve concluded that if a person is also an Andy Griffith fan, then they are a person I want to get to know.
So, if you have never watched The Andy Griffith Show, or it’s been a while, may I suggest that you catch an episode now and then. And if you fall in love with the show like I did, you can binge watch on Netflix, or find the entire 249-episode collection on DVD. You might want to check out the episode titled “Fun Girls” for your PG-13 entertainment. And if you want to sit down and enjoy a good family episode with your children, I suggest the title “Mr. McBeeVee”. These are two of my all-time faves! Happy watching.