Moments of Contentment

Senior man watching sunset on the Missouri River while sitting on a bench

Contentment and I are like two distant relatives. Once in a great while, we bump into each other awkwardly. To stave off the boredom in my head, I developed a knack for avoiding a dreary room full of dull things by keeping busy, thinking about the next task, event, or exotic trip, anything to avoid facing the uncharted territory of my own mind.

As I’ve aged, dodging that mental waiting room has become a cinch, thanks to laptops, cellphones, PCs, and a TV boasting a gazillion channels. My wife, however, strongly dislikes my constant engagement with the digital world. She is a powerhouse of efficiency, rowing our boat of life while I lazily dangle my feet over the side, fishing for distractions.

Before we got hitched, I made it clear that matching her chore for chore was not in my playbook and she graciously accepted this lopsided arrangement.

Before retiring in 2006, I found my days swamped with yard chores and workshop tinkering. Eventually, I carved out three evenings a week for myself – savoring a fine cigar while gazing down the creek that flowed by our backyard, and relishing an audiobook, or a good chat with someone special, typically one of my sisters-in-law.

       Though they’ve both crossed over to the great beyond, our conversations still bring me joy and moments of contentment. As Confucius wisely stated, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” 

That has been my motto in life, minus the grueling rowing sessions😊.


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