Run Turkey, Run!… by JoAnn

The other day I was driving into town, down country back roads as I always do. Up ahead I could see there was a rather large group of some type of critter crossing the road. As I got closer, I realized there were about 10 wild turkeys. Technical name would be a “Rafter”. They were coming out of the woods on my right side and crossing the road to the soybean field on my left.
I got tickled at these turkeys! I began to laugh out loud as they rushed, in single line, to get to the soybeans. I shouted out my window, “Run turkeys, run!” Lol They were not as amused as I was.
With a big smile on my face I headed on my way. Then it dawned on me that I have had the joyous pleasure of a wild critter sighting many times in the past month! Much more than usual. Perhaps it’s the very hot, dry weather we have had. Maybe they are searching for water and food. That scenario makes me very sad as I am a true animal lover.
I began to make a mental list of all the different ones I have seen of late:
10 Wild Turkeys
6 Turkey Buzzards (at various times with various road kill)
1 Baby Opossum (sooo cute!)
1 small or young Owl
2 adult Rabbits
1 baby Rabbit
1 small Box Turtle
1 large Snapping Turtle
1 Deer on at least 4 separate occasions & locations
1 Groundhog
Those were all ALIVE critters. I witnessed just as many “road kill” during the same time period. This list is made up of Opossum, Skunk, Deer, Raccoon, Squirrel, Mouse, Rabbit, Armadillo, and several snakes.
Catching a glimpse of a wild animal is not an unusual thing given where I live in rural West Tennessee. But this many, in such a small frame of time, is unusual. Whatever the reason, I find it to be a happy little gift for my day and it always brings a big smile to my face. Except for the road kill. I find nothing happy about that, but it is interesting. It’s all nature at its best and I love it!