If I Were a Carpenter
The other day my wife asked me to repair the birdhouse down by the creek. ...
The Most Boring Day
I read the other day that April 11, 1954 was the most boring day since...
I Love to Read
A few days ago I exchanged letters with a lady that, unknowingly, had a big...
Home Repairs
We have been busily preparing for some repair work in our home. We have cracks...
First Things First
Have you ever tried to remember the “Firsts†in your life? Some examples of “firstsâ€...
Importance of Music
I was 15 years old in 1956 when Elvis Presley’s first #1 record was on...
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one...
It’s Been A While
I haven’t written one of these in a couple of years so I thought I...
Remember Your First?
My last WOW was sent out on February 19th, 2012. The first two paragraphs were...
If You Break It, You Own It
Sometimes I act like a bull that carries his own china shop around with him. ...