Guest Missives
Green Bean… by JoAnn
For a few years now, I have been driving a 2004 Chevy Aveo. It's a rather...
Missing You… by JoAnn
I miss your voice Your eyes Your smile And your face I miss our long...
Color Therapy… by JoAnn
A few weeks ago, I came upon an advertisement on my phone for an ap...
Thrill of the Thrift… by JoAnn
I recently decided that I would take one of my favorite hobbies to a new...
Daddy’s Keys… by JoAnn
Whenever I hear someone speaking of a hardworking man, my first thought always goes back...
It’s All About Memories… by JoAnn
Last night, I celebrated my granddaughter’s 15th birthday, along with her siblings and her mother...
Unforgettable… by JoAnn
I'm pretty sure if you talk to anyone, they would be able to tell you...
My Keeper… by JoAnn
You hold the key To my good morning And the curtain To my goodnight So,...
Treasure Hunt… by JoAnn
Spring has finally sprung! For those who love a special little fungi, this may be...
God Grace… by Frank Shortt
Without the grace of God mankind cannot understand the plan of the Creator. Throughout my...